So as I've been complaining about in the last couple weeks, I got my wisdom teeth taken out. I was in excruciating pain (meh not really) and couldn't eat anything but jello, yogurt, pudding and ice-cream. A five year olds dream diet? Yes. A 22-year-old's sudden regression into diapers? I DON'T FUCKING THINK SO! The meds did nothing. At most, they numbed the pain but alcohol does that so much better so I'm quite upset with pharmaceuticals at the moment. But I digress.
The actual recovery is getting better. I'm now able to eat bagels and candy. A HUGE step up from pudding (although I did start eating chocolate and vanilla swirled pudding which is HOLYFREAKINGCRAPFANTASTIC). I also happen to drink beer which brings us to a little segment I like to call: LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!!
I went to the St. Paddy's day party hosted by one of the fraternities with my awesome sorority sister Jeb (actual name not disclosed to protect the total ballerificness of the person mentioned). We were looking hot (well hotter than usual) and were ready to dance our asses off to the trastacularness of Ke$ha and her glitter. After buying a six-pack of Labatt Blue Light (6 16oz. cans for $8 - WHAT A DEAL), we went off to go have the time of our lives. Now, Jeb and I have had some adventures over the past couple semesters. We've partied hard and made others jealous as shit cause we're so fucking awesome we make it rain up in this bitch!!! But this time didn't end so well...
We arrive at the party and crack open a cold one to get things started. After mingling and smoking some hooka (which was weak btw and not as good as a certain other sorority sister's whose name I also shall not disclose), we got the itch to dance. Yeah there was beer pong and this raffle but the music was lame even with a new DJ and all we wanted to do was BUST A MOVE!! About an hour, two creepers, bathroom breaks and two beers later, we finally got our fine asses on the floor and showed these newbies/underagers what partying was all about.
Unfortunately, it was one of the underagers that brought the quality of the party down so low it was like watching Charlie Sheen attempt to act like a human being. Apparently someone got punched in the face and the cops were called. Normally, the fraternity is on good repore with the cops but this time a rookie came and busted the party...AT 12:45 AM!!! WTF!?!?!?! The cops have come so many times to this place but this is the first time in 5 fucking years that I've actually had to leave. I was disgusted, mad and actually kind of proud. I mean yes it took five years but it was about time I got kicked out of a party. It sucks that it happened just as the party was getting good but at least I got kicked out of a party and not the bar like last time. WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As you can tell, I'm recovering nicely. I have an appointment with the oral surgeon next Monday to really make sure I'm doing well and my stitches have dissolved and I didn't make anything bleed. Then I can go back to eating the food I usually do although I will actually miss chocolate and vanilla pudding. They reminded me of my childhood. Oh well, life goes on I guess. If I complain anymore, ignore me cause I'm going to do it a lot. Who knows, maybe I'm actually getting wiser wanting to eat healthy and solid foods...
*A little spoiler for my next entry:
Are you sick of Glen Beck telling you God is going to strike you dead b/c Japan was hit by an earthquake/tsunami? Well, get the REAL reason for the natural disasters. COMING SOON...
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